Stephen Nichols-搜索结果

  • 我们的日子 Days of our Lives


    导演:Herb Stein, Phil Sogard, Albert Alarr, Grant A. Johnson   编剧:William J. Bell, Rick Draughon, Dena Higley

    主演:约翰·安尼斯顿, Suzanne Rogers, 克里斯汀·奥方索, Bryan Dattilo, 马修·阿什福德, 詹姆斯·斯科特, James Reynolds, 艾瑞克·马措尔夫, 盖伦·戈润, Stephen

      我们的日子(Days of our Lives)为美国的NBC电视台制播的一部日间肥皂剧。也是世界上少数仍在在播的长寿电视剧,从1965年11月8日开始每星期播一次。在不少国家也播放过。到目前为止重播时段依然维持当初肥皂剧拨出的时段:上午七点,而 首播时间则是在晚间8点或12点(东区/西区)。这部戏是由知名夫妻团队Ted CordayBetty Corday创作。Irna Phillips是本剧的编剧,而William J. Bell则是早期的编剧。本剧已经重新续约至2014年。
      由于本剧的成功,从1975年4月21日开始从原本30分钟加长至60分钟。而自从更改时间后,节目播出一半的“稍后回来下半段的‘我们的日子’”则是请知名男演员Macdonald Carey献声。我们的日子是美国第二长的长寿剧(第一名是General Hospital)。同时也是...

  • Merchants of Venus


    导演:Len Richmond   编剧:Len Richmond

    主演:, Sandra Margot, Tia Gunn, 麦克尔·约克, Prunella Gee, 南茜·费什, 比佛莉·德安姬罗, 布莱恩·考克斯, 特洛伊·多纳胡, 迈克尔·波拉德, 阿瑟·希勒, Stephen

      Alex Jakoff (Michael York) is a Russian immigrant looking for work in the USA when he finds a job as a stock boy in a sex-toy factory. The factory's elderly owner Mrs. Eppy (Nancy Fish) sees Alex as a nice, but lonely guy. So, she tries setting him up with her friend Catherine (Prunella Gee) an aging adult film star. Alex is smitten with Catherine on sight, but she is reluctant...

  • 清教徒:毕生为了上帝的荣耀 Puritan: All of Life to The Glory of God


    导演:Stephen McCaskell   编剧:Barry Cooper

    主演:DeYoung, Leland Ryken, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, Michael Reeves, Rosaria Butterfield, Sinclair Ferguson, Stephen

      Joyless. Severe. Fanatical. "Haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." That's the Puritan reputation. But to what extent is that reputation deserved? Drawing on the latest research, and featuring interviews with some of the most celebrated scholars in the field, this beautiful and atmospheric new documentary takes us from the birth of Puritanism all the way th...